Wednesday, July 8, 2015
July 08, 2015 at 08:54PM by advodna_dave
This afternoon, we drove through the 2.2 mile tunnel to the little village of Whittier on the Prince William Sound (I bet Prince Harry is super jealous). Since the tunnel is only one lane, traffic alternates directions for 30 minutes at a time, outbound at the top of the hour, inbound at the bottom. Add to that the fact that it's the longest tunnel in North America that accommodates both vehicle and train traffic (you drive on top of the slightly sunken rails), it's not a super easy little town to get to. That may have been part of its value as a strategic military base during WWII and into the Cold War where it served as one of the main entry points for American troops into Alaska. Today, the majority of its 200 and something residents live in one of the old barracks that has been converted to condos. We strolled the waterfront, ate fish and chips and let Mae mash her face into an ice cream cone to celebrate her birthday. #whittier #princewilliamsound #whittiertunnel
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