Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 13, 2015 at 02:10PM by advodna_dave

Two and a half years ago, we were feeling a bit "stuck" on our property in Petaluma with an 18 mo old baby and just our first taste of life on the road. We reached out to a young couple on an Airstream adventure around the country to see if they'd like to stop by the Farmlet, and John and Laura (@democratictravelers and @thedemocratictravelers, respectively) accepted. Sitting on our deck, we told them about a caravan of likeminded Airstreamers heading to Canada that Summer. At the time, we were still wrestling with whether or not we were even going (read the blog post at "The Simple Life: On the Road or On the Farm" - link temporarily in profile) but eventually made a good enough case to them that we convinced ourselves! After traveling with them, @aluminarium, @mali.mish, @worksology and @jessaworks, @weaselmouth, and @wandering_amanda and @wandering_tim for a couple weeks, we were ruined and literally bought a bigger trailer on the way home with plans to go full-time. Since then, we've managed a meetup for Ethiopian food in Boston but otherwise have missed John and Laura on the road (other than commissioning the incredible "Denali" quilt from Laura's newest project, @vacilandoquilting, to remind us of our Alaska trip!). This morning, they drove up from San Mateo to catch up, meet Mae and share stories from the road and plans for the future. It means so much for us to have met friends like this on the road we know we'll have for a long time. #airstreamfriends #lifeontheroad #travelingcommunity