Monday, December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015 at 07:10PM by advodna_dave
We couldn't decide between a star and an angel for the top of the tree so we hoisted an angel holding a star up there. Actually, it's been a long day. We went to sleep last night planning to leave our temporary rental in Petaluma the next morning to spend the holidays in the mountains. Around 1:00 am, Mae woke up from a combo of a stuffed nose and two eye teeth starting to peek through her gums. By 3:00 am, she still hadn't settled, and I'd checked the weather to find a big snowstorm scheduled to dump on Donner Summit around 10:00 am. We called an audible, quickly cleaning the house and packing the car, transferring the sleeping 4 yr old into her carseat, and counting on the movement on the road to rock Mae to sleep. By 8:00 am, we'd made our way 4 hours through rain turning to snow up and over the summit with two sleeping kids and settled into our place in Tahoe to watch the weather ramp up. #advancedparenting #highstakesgame #shesnoangel #xmas #xmastree #tahoe
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2015-12-21 Tahoe