Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 21, 2016 at 06:52AM by advodna_dave

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Between the views, the location, the people and, of course, the Airstreams, Virginia Highland Haven Airstream Park is one of the nicest places we've ever stayed. We took a great mile or so walk around the 73 acre property yesterday down to a beautiful waterfall. I only peed a little when, from out of the dark cave at the bottom of a rock overhang where the host had told us a bear and her cub may or may not live, a huge turkey vulture launched itself towards us in a 4 foot wide blur of chaos. #airstream #liveriveted #myrivetedlife #vahighlandhavenairstreampark #blueridgeparkway #menwhoscreamlikegirlswhenattackedbybirds