Thursday, June 30, 2016
June 30, 2016 at 08:22PM by advodna_dave
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The awesome @democratictravelers and @thedemocratictravelers were passing through Petaluma, so we got them to come over and check out our new tiny house. I think John got a little confused, but we didn't complain. We also just barely missed a long overdue rendezvous with @joehendricks and @rhondahendricks. And the same week, we hung out in the backyard of longtime friends, ran into other Petaluma folks spontaneously around town and met a buncha new great people. I guess you could say, we're feeling a groove of combining our travel life with a dose of small town community. And we've barely even seen our world traveling family (they get back today from Peru and Czech Republic)! And at the same time as framing is starting on our house in town and we're shopping for cargo bikes, we still love telling people of our adventures planned for late summer and fall in the Airstream - the Canadian Maritime Provinces, Maine Coast and New England - and look forward to getting back out there. More than ever, I think a new balance for the near future is coming into focus. #tinyhouse #tinyhouseliving #hotspouseswashingtinyplastichouses #airstreamfriends #nomadiccomunity
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