Sunday, September 25, 2016
September 25, 2016 at 02:44PM by advodna_dave
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A look through the windshield yesterday as the skies cleared, and we crossed paths with a pack of motorcycles out for a beautiful Saturday ride through the White Mountains. I may or may not have spent a couple hours on Craigslist last night looking at old Honda Scramblers. . The rest of the drive to Montpelier, VT to moochdock at an old friend's went smoothly, except for the part where we assumed we'd be able to find a dump station just before arriving. It seems septic systems in rural Vermont aren't cheap, and so some parks don't have 'em and others want to charge a fortune for them. We ended up driving 40 minutes out of our way and still had to pay $25 to use one. At least the next four nights in a driveway are free. #costofdoingyourbusiness #airstreampottytalk #lifeontheroad
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2016-09-25 NH