Sunday, April 23, 2017

Heading Home

Airstream Utah 2017: Heading to Utah | Zion | Bryce | Capitol Reef | Southern Utah | Heading Home

Yup, that's the Pacific Ocean after a 366 mile day. And in the spirit of the Hidden Brain podcast we listened to about over-curated social media feeds, I'll mention that an 18 wheeler blew a tire right in front of us on the highway and we had to dodge the flying rubber; we battled 50 mph wind gusts for most of the day which ended up flipping up our propane cover, partially unraveling our awning and breaking off our radio antenna; we got trapped in a truck stop car wash line for half an hour after realizing it wasn't the self-serve coin-op deal we thought it was; the regional park we tried to stop at to feed the kids dinner was closed so instead of the pizza I'd planned to make, I opened the fridge for quicker options and had a carton of eggs fall out onto the floor; and then when we found a Chipotle in Rancho Cucamunga, a mall cop - I $hit you not - on a three wheeled scooter told us we had to park in the employee lot across the street (and worst of all, I missed the picture). But now, a bottle of wine is open, we're listening to the waves outside the windows of the trailer, the kids are in bed and we've got a surprise for them in the morning! #airstream #liveriveted #myrivetedlife #airstreamwithkids #cucamugaisafunnyword #bustedbyblart

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Legoland! #travelwithkids #familytravel #legoland #legolandcalifornia #6hours #legomybeer #wynnehangingwiththefamily

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One last bridge to cross before the last stretch home after an amazing three weeks in Utah with new and old friends. As much as we've always appreciated our friends and family at home who welcome us back into the fold after our various adventures, we've also come to value our friends from the road, people who we may never have met had we not all had the same idea to re-evaluate our priorities and get ourselves and our families out of town, people with whom we end up spending the number of cumulative hours over the course of a few weeks that would normally take years, people we don't have to explain our crazy ideas to. And of course, those we've never met but share our adventures with! Excited to be home, but we'll miss all y'all. Come visit! #airstreamintherearview #airstream #airstreamfriends

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