Almost immediately after the “woe-is-me”/bed bugs/poop water on the floor post earlier in the week, things turned around completely. With a regained confidence, we’ve been feeling a lot more fearless, possibly too much so. . This afternoon we busted a u-turn when we saw a sign for a pumpkin festival. We strolled right in and plopped the kids down in line for face painting. As we queried Google translate for “She would like her face painted like a magical fairy princess,” people started talking and gesturing to us in French. Armed only with our best French phrase, “I’m sorry, I don’t speak French,” they switched to miming (they must teach it in school?) from which we figured out that we needed to buy tickets. Of course, that started an entire other miming session at that booth. . In the end, all was resolved easily and with smiles all around. Both girls got a pumpkin on the cheek, a tiny one to play with and one to carve tomorrow, and we had another experience we likely would never have put ourselves in had we not decided to #travelwithkids. #familytravel #outofourgourds #maquillagevisage #francetravel
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